Triage Tool for First Responders
What is the best type of packaging for first responders? The answer to this question depends on what type of emergency you are responding to. If it’s a natural disaster, like an earthquake or tornado, then you want something that can withstand heavy winds and rain. However, if it’s a something more serious, then you need something with thicker walls. We will talk about all types of emergencies and give some great tips on how to choose the right box packaging for your needs!
The first thing that first responders should know is that the type of box packaging you’ll want to use depends on what kind of disaster it is. You don’t need a very thick container if there’s only going to be some light winds and rain, but in an earthquake or hurricane situation, then you’re going to need something extremely heavy-duty. In those situations, you will likely not have the time to keep picking up broken pieces from all over – so make sure your containers can handle being stepped on before purchasing!
In terms of something more serious where someone has used a car as weapon against pedestrians for example , they are often long and narrow which means they cannot hold much weight (try putting stacks of paper inside one). The best thing would be sturdy boxes like the ones that hold liquid laundry detergent. They are lightweight, waterproof and usually come with handles which will help you get it out to your vehicle more quickly.
Lastly, it is always a good idea to buy your boxes from a supplier that can cut them down for you. They will usually charge per box, but if you’re working with a large organization or company then this may be the best option overall since they’ll most likely have their own tools and machines which means they don’t need an outside service to do it for them.